🆘 Emergency Campaign for Passover – thousands of seniors have no food for the holiday!

Seder night is just around the corner and yet there are still seniors and Holocaust survivors without food for the holiday!

Join us in this emergency campaign for Passover, so that this year no elderly man or woman is left without food on the table.

If you want to keep the “Kamcha Depsha” mitzvah with great ยดhidurยดย to help thousands of needy families from all over the country

Call the center of the great charity organization “Chasdei Naomi +972-3-67-77- 77
You can donate online on Chasdei Naomi or on Giusimย 
For mail donations:
Chasdei Naomi, 10 Bar Yochai Street, Bnei Brak, Zip Code 51553

To donate food kosher for Passover, it can be placed in the food collection booths prepared for Passover.

It’s not too late to join the emergency fundraising campaign for Passover! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

What is the commandment of Kamcha Depsha?

Kamcha Depsha (Passover flour) is an ancient custom in which “charitable” institutions in the various cities used to collect money for baking matzah for the poor.
Today, the Kamcha Depsha custom, also known to some of us as its ancient name “Maot Hittin” (which means money for the purchase of wheat), is a custom that is observed in preparation for Passover, in which we collect kosher food for Passover and / or collect money for the poor. Shadam does not manage to buy groceries and food for the Passover table.
It is important to understand and open the heart and pocket, since many families in Israel today are below the poverty line and cannot afford a festive holiday table with basic groceries.

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