All those that make mine happy I make them happy When The Most Holy, Blessed Be He, makes a promise then The Most Holy, Blessed
Be He, keeps His promise, The person, who has the merit of providing clothes and making happy an orphan groom on the day of his wedding ceremony, that person receives , on his own wedding day, the merit of seeing all his prayers answered : having sons, a good long life, enough food to eat all of his life, and be saved from harsh edicts.
Clothes for the orphan groom
: NIS 360
(Possibility of payment in installments)
Clothes from head to foot for the orphan groom : NIS 720 (Possibility of payment in installments)
It is also written in the book “TOLDOT YITZHAK” [written in 1897 by Jacob Ha-Levi Lipschitz, the Rabbi secretary] of the following true story about Rabbi ISAAC ELHANAN SPEKTOR, who was seriously ill on his dying bed and saw in his dream a rich man in grave danger; Rabbi Isaac promised the man that if he, the rich man, helps organize the marriage of a groom and bride in distress, then he, Rabbi Isaac, will go to the next world and will be his champion of the right“ C and defender. And indeed so it was that Rabbi Isaac went to the next world and was the champion and defender of this rich man and all the harsh edicts against him were abolished.
G-d Almighty, Father of Orphans and Protector of Widows, will bless all those, who donate and help, with the traditional thousands of the best of blessings from the Source of all Blessings for sons, a good long life, enough food to eat all of his life.