Leavened food products at the Charity Organization

In the Offices of the Chief Rabbis of Israel, took place the sale of the leavened food products [Hametz] of the “Hasdei Naomi”, the great Charity Organization.

A special ceremony at the Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem, during which took place the sale of the Hametz found in all the warehouses of the “Hasdei Naomi” Charity Organization Empire and the Banquet Halls “Armonot Chen” by the Chief Rabbis of Israel: the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel and the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar Shlita and the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Yonah Metzger Shlita. During all days of the year for the last years, both Rabbis have been following the activities of the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization with advice, guidance and blessings.

In the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization warehouses, are stored tons of Hametz, which were donated by the public at large and by various food factories and manufacturers. During the special ceremony, which took place in the Offices of the Chief Rabbis of Israel, Rabbi Yossef Cohen, the chairman of the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization, appointed the Chief Rabbis of Israel to be the messengers for selling to a gentile the Hametz and Hametz mixtures found in the warehouses and offices of the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization.

At the end of the ceremony, which was lawfully done as it should be, the Chief Rabbis of Israel blessed Rabbi Yossef Cohen,

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the chairman and founder of the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization, and the thousands of volunteers, and said warm words of estimation and appreciation. Rabbi Cohen, being a Cohen – a Priest, blessed them with the “Priestly Blessing” and thanked them in the name of the thousands of volunteers and in the name of the thousands of needy families, which are supported by the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization during all days of the year.

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