In these difficult times when more and more families are crossing over the poverty line and the struggle at home is over the most basic needs, Chasdei Naomi decided that fruit on
Tu B’Shevat is an important item that should not be absent. For this reason hundreds of volunteers gathered at the Chasdei Naomi warehouses to
package delivery boxes full of the best of Israel’s choicest fruits, featuring the unique species with which the Land of Israel is blessed. The festive packages contained both fresh and dried fruits to help bring Tu B’Shevat joy to these families.
The chairman of Chasdei Naomi, Rabbi Yoseph Cohen, thanked the many volunteers who come whenever they are called, no matter what the weather, to help pack and transport these boxes for the families.
“We must not forget,” Rabbi Cohen said, that “the thousands of kilograms of basic food items sent to families each week are not enough. We must try to help them more and more, particularly around holidays and festivals.”