The Great Scholar Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Shlita and the Great Scholar Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani Shlita paid a rare visit to the storages of the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization charity empire and fixed the mezuzot at the entrance of the new storages being inaugurated for the Operation “Passover alms to the poor”
On the eve of Rosh Hodesh Nissan [1st day of new month], the Great Scholar Rabbi
Chaim Kanievsky Shlita arrived to the sorting and packaging storages of the “Hasdei Naomi” Charity Organization in Bnei Brak, Israel and reinforced those engaged in the sacred work of packing “Passover alms to the poor” for needy families, orphans and widows.
The chairman of the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization Rabbi Yossef Cohen gave him a complete survey of the extensive activity and presented him with an halakhic doubt that had arisen as to one of the two new storages, which were inaugurated for the operation “Passover alms to the poor”: the problem being where should the mezuzah be fixed, when its opening is wider and taller than usual. The Great Scholar Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Shlita pointed to the exact place, where the mezuzah should be fixed. With an expression of joy and a broad smile on his face, he warmly blessed the Organization, donors, volunteers and all those engaged in this work. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Shlita noted that this
is a great privilege to be partners in such a holy place.
At an additional storage inaugurated for Passover, the Great Scholar Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani Shlita fixed the mezuzah. He immediately made a tour of the location and expressed his impression and his great joy in view of the huge volume and quality of goods distributed to the needy, orphans and widows. Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani Shlita, who has for over two decades been in continuous contact with the “Hasdei Naomi” Organization and its chairman Rabbi Yossef Cohen, showered on him blessings and said that by his actions he is allegedly the partner of G–, who gives bread to the hungry. Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani Shlita also welcomed the many volunteers who arrived to the storages to pack the “Passover alms to the poor” packages.