As every year, various brand names like Dora, Bob the Builder, Batman, Spiderman, Backugan and others, will be the chosen stars on the children’s school kits. But it seems that there is a loud voice silent and not
In a few days the school year will begin and the children in Israel will return to their schools. Almost every child will enjoy the wonderful excitement when purchasing the equipment needed to study at school. As every year, various brand names like Dora, Bob the Builder, Batman, Spiderman, Backugan and others, will be the chosen stars on the children’s school kits and consumer goods. They adorn all and sundry, from satchels, through pencil cases pens and pencils to copybooks, ring binders and diaries bearing the signatures of some fame celebrities, all are adjunct products of the flourishing market of programs and films on the various channels.
Many children indeed do put pressure on their parents so that they buy for them the most prestigious kits, often because of peer group pressure or because of the need to impress the other kids in the class. And the parents, well they give in to the materialistic society and pay hundreds and thousands of shekels for the most expensive and shining items.
But it seems that the voice of the silent majority is not heard. In our small country, there are many children, who, at night, have just one dream that they may have the minimal requested equipment in order that they too may study, but their voices have been silenced and concealed from too many ears. These children do not have the privilege of wondering whether they should choose a diary with this or that famous celebrity on its cover, they may at best only dream of it. Such a child may be the son of a neighbor or the friend of a classmate, yet he needs your help. He wants to learn, he has all the motivation needed to get far and to influence the future of our society, but his parents do not have the money to buy copybooks and ring binders, even of the cheapest type.
“THE HASDEI NAOMI” ORGANIZATION helps these children
by distributing the necessary equipment (new only) towards the coming school year and you too can help and take part in this. Through your merit, one more pupil in Israel will feel a peer among peers.