Bar Mitzvah Celebration for 10 Special Children

Join us and together we’ll make a bar mitzvah party and give tefillin to 10 wonderful boys with mental disabilities.  

Your donations will enable us make these special children happy, shower them with love and put smiles on their faces. With your help, we can give them a bar mitzvah celebration like the ones that other boys their age enjoy …

Let’s make it possible for these boys to have tefillin of their own so they can fulfill the mitzvah of putting on tefillin every day.

The bar mitzvah celebration will make their dream a reality.

The bar mitzvah party will be held a month from now by Lev Naomi, an organization run entirely by volunteers who receive no pay or compensation. The party venue will be the Armonot Chen banquet hall. Long tables will be set up for the 10 bar mitzvah boys, their parents, and their teachers/caregivers.

Over 100 people are expected to take part in the festivities.

This exciting event will be possible thanks solely to your generosity.

The banquet hall will be filled with music and the entire event will be filmed; the video and photographs will be posted here on our website as soon as the party ends.

The ten bar mitzvah boys will receive, as gifts, deluxe sets of tallitot, tefillin, and personal siddurim.

Together we can help these disabled boys fulfill their dream and celebrate reaching bar mitzvah age, like all other 13 year-old boys.

Let’s make these special children happy …

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