Chasdei Naomi began almost 30 years ago with one bus full of Jewish children. When the driver noticed that some children came regularly without supplies, food, proper clothing and smiles, he began delivering food and other necessities anonymously to those families. Witnessing first hand the difference his packages made, his work expanded, people joined him and Chasdei Naomi was born. Today Chasdei Naomi works with corporations and service providers as well as a network of 14,000 dedicated volunteers to provide food and other basic needs for 10,000 families throughout Israel.

Close to our hearts are those at the particular disadvantage of being a single parent or an orphan (a child who has lost one or both parents). Chasdei Naomi sees it as a mission to ensure

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that widows can care for their children and that orphans do not want for anything- even a wedding of their dreams.

Our main programs are country-wide regular grocery deliveries (dry goods, baby formula etc), produce and dairy distribution twice a month, cash subsidies to mothers of orphans and a free wedding program for orphans. Chasdei Naomi owns a complex of wedding halls that are rented out for events by the community at large. All revenue from these events support the subsidized wedding program for orphans where we cover the costs of the hall and other expenses according to need.

Our main mission is to relieve the fear and uncertainty of food insecurity for thousands of families in Israel. By providing a

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safety net, the knowledge that they will have food and the basic necessities for their children, their energies can be directed at giving the kind of support and love only parents can provide. Together, these are the ingredients it takes for a family to thrive.

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