School’s out and many children won’t have schoolbags next year either! “A school bag for every child”

The painful reality is that even in 2021 after school’s out there will still be kids who won’t go supply shopping for next year…
these kids will come to class without school bags, stationery, or any other school supplies!

Please donate to this campaign and we will help them! Let’s make sure that no child will miss out!

“A Schoolbag for every child!”

A child coming to school with a torn schoolbag or textbooks in a bag, how will he learn?

What will his future look like?

School’s out and the children of Israel have already begun preparations for the new school year. The painful reality is that even now in 2021 there will be many children who will not have a schoolbag with the writing tools and equipment needed for school.

If we do not give them! They simply will not have!

Help us reach out to all those kids and give them a full bag
Including a quality schoolbag and a set of new writing tools for the new year!

We will be able to do this only with your help and thanks to you!
Donate a back-to-school kit now and another child will smile thanks to you.

Do not go back to school without “schoolbags” “a schoolbag for every child” #Bag2SchooL2021

Have you already donated and want to help more? Share this page with your friends on Facebook, WhatsApp, text messages, and wherever possible!
Thank you very much and a successful school year to all.

Feel free to share the Campaign link:

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