Assist- Distributing food and clothing to residents of the south of Israel

Assist- Distributing food and clothing to residents of the south of Israel

Chasdei Naomi, a charity organization that helps families in need, is working to distribute food and clothing to residents of the south of Israel who have been affected by the recent war.

The organization has been providing assistance to a large number of people, including the elderly and disabled, who are often unable to move around easily. The war has been going on for more than four weeks, and the country is in a constant state of numbness and unrest. Many people and families have left the south during this time and have moved to the center of the country, where they are being hosted by families, in hotels, in community centers, etc. However, there are many families who have refused to leave their homes in the south and have remained there despite the difficult situation the war created.

These families are staying at home despite the many war sirens. In particular, in Ashkelon, Sderot, and Netivot, these people are afraid to go out because they only have 15 to 30 seconds to reach shelter in case of rocket fire. Going to the grocery store or pharmacy  becomes a real challenge. For this reason, Chesdei Naomi volunteers have taken to the road. They headed south, despite the danger, with a truck full of food packages. These packages contain dry food, such as sugar, flour, oil, grape juice, tea, tahini,   biscuits, children’s cereal, and chocolate bars. Everything they need to smile again and eat good, nutritious food. The volunteers who packaged the donations also added fruits and vegetables.The residents welcomed our team with excitement and joy.

Thank you to all of our dear volunteers, from those who packed the packages to those who brought them directly to the homes of residents of the south.

Today we need more volunteers than ever. If you would like to volunteer, please register on our website 


Thank you also to our dear donors, without whom none of this would be possible!

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