926 weddings, 132 of which took place free of charge and 560 were subsidized weddings
Rabbi Yosef Cohen: “The custom that is fast gaining momentum – where people who marry donate a number of meals to an orphan’s wedding – enabled us to help more orphans get married this year.
As it does every year, at the end of 5775 the Armonei Chen banquet halls are summing up the year’s activity in preparation for the coming year.
During the past year a total of 926 weddings took place in the Armonei Chen halls in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem, of which 132 were weddings of orphans who received the hall free of charge.
Rabbi Yosef Cohen, Chair of Chasdei Naomi, responds to the figures with joy and satisfaction:
The growing numbers each year are the best proof of the need for this activity. Our six halls bring joy to thousands of families and each evening new couples marry in dignity and abundance without being a burden to their parents.
Apart from this, thanks to the custom that is gaining momentum where people who marry donate part of the wedding feast to an orphan’s wedding, we manage to marry more orphans at no cost and there is nothing greater than this.