Bat Yam Added to Israel’s Charitable Map

The prominent charitable organization Chasdei Naomi has dedicated a spacious activity and volunteer center in Bat Yam, to benefit the city’s needy residents and Holocaust survivors. A major volunteer recruitment drive was announced as well.

For the past 5 years a group of volunteers, based in their own backyards and a public park, has been operating a Chasdei Naomi site for distribution and aid to the needy in Bat Yam. This month a large center in the city’s industrial area was dedicated; it will serve as a volunteer and aid center for the city’s needy residents and Holocaust survivor population. In addition to the new center, Chasdei Naomi’s Bat Yam branch has launched a volunteer

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recruitment campaign, to operate the site, pack food baskets and distribute them weekly to 400 needy families.

The Chair of Chasdei Naomi, Rabbi Yosef Cohen, noted that the dedication of the volunteers at Bat Yam’s distribution site was well known. Devotedly, and at great personal sacrifice, they distributed food to the needy on a weekly basis, in the absence of suitable conditions

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and out of a public park. Now that we have been privileged, thank G-d, to dedicate the new center, both the volunteers and those they serve will benefit.

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