Chametz belonging to Chasdei Naomi was sold by Israel’s Chief Rabbi, Rabbi David Lau, shlita

In his Jerusalem office Rabbi David Lau shlita received the chairman of Chasdei Naomi, Rabbi Yosef Cohen, together with the organization’s administration, who came in order to sell the chametz.

Rabbi Lau remarked that he was impressed with the long list of branches, wedding halls, distribution centers and collection stalls all over the country, from Eilat in the south to Kiryat Shmona in the north.

The Chief Rabbi expressed interest in the organization’s preparations for Passover, and Rabbi Cohen told him about the comprehensive campaign held during recent weeks, as part of which Chasdei Naomi volunteers reached out to more than 20,000 families in order to give them food and other assistance ahead of the holiday.

Rabbi Lau noted that the State should not place all of the responsibility for dealing with families in distress on charitable organizations and associations, but rather should also lend a hand.

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