The school equipment project by Chasdei Naomi with the Israeli television program

Chasdei Naomi in a unique collaboration for the upcoming school year. The association and the Israeli television show “Hakol Kalul”(directed by Eric Weiss) is an exciting project for children from needy families. An exciting project of distributing school supplies.

Cost of living

School equipment has become a significant expense due to the cost of living. The minimal equipment every student needs in order to study successfully is no longer available to everyone. Many families are giving up on this equipment. Children come to school with empty plastic bags instead of backpacks, without notebooks, scissors, pencils, etc.

The students who come to school without writing instruments and notebooks start the year in a different position compeer to the rest of their classmates. The lack of products that every other student brings to class makes them feel inferior and odd.

Sadly, it is clear, at the beginning of the school year, that these children are experiencing academic and social difficulties. While their classmates have a notebook for each subject, they use the same notebook for several classes because there is no money to buy more than one.

Back2School – Chasdei Naomi’s project and the television program

Chasdei Naomi and  the Israeli television program, launched a unique project for the beginning of the school year. The collaboration was created to take care of children from the weaker sections of the population. The realization that thousands of boys and girls will start school this year without the appropriate equipment arose the project.  The new back-to-school kit will be distributed to children in need, through a wide range of volunteers, donations, representatives, and call centers.

Today we purchased over 80,000 school supplies!  We distribute hundreds of backpacks.  Requests for assistance continue to arrive every day! Hundreds of requests are received asking for a bag containing all the equipment for a student. The ambition is to distribute backpacks to as many students as possible. To do that public support is needed.

How did it all begin?

Chasdei Naomi has already worked for nearly 40 years. The chairman of the association, Rabbi Yosef Cohen, was born into a family with financial difficulties. He grew up in extreme poverty and experienced the feeling of “nothingness” well. When he was a child himself, he went to school with a plastic bag containing a pencil and a single notebook. His memories and painful experiences as a student have led to this project.


We distribute only new equipment. Everything is bought and in its original packaging. That’s because we know that they cannot afford to purchase new equipment. The project wants to let children feel equal among equals. The entire school supplies are bought thanks to the public donations, who opened their pockets and hearts. We appreciated all of your donations that help to buy equipment for another student.

The fundraising is executed on a crowdfunding platform. You can donate to the project by clicking here.

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