For the first time in Tiberias: An ambulance to provide free transportation for the ill and the disabled

Yosef Cohen, chairman of the Chasdei Naomi organization: “For the first time in Israel, the organization’s Tiberias branch has purchased an ambulance with a special elevator at a cost of NIS 150,000 to help transport the ill and disabled free of charge.”


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Tiberias branch of the Chasdei Naomi organization, which is one of Israel’s largest organizations providing assistance with goods and food products for needy families, is about to enter a new sphere of activity – operating a special ambulance to transport sick, elderly and disabled persons to medical treatments in the area of Tiberias and the north. Transportation is provided to hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices and so on.

The organization purchased an ambulance with a special elevator for lifting wheelchairs and stretchers, at a cost of NIS 150,000. Rabbi Yosef Cohen, Chairman of Chasdei Naomi, notes,During the first few months of operation for the new ambulance in Tiberias,

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about 200 trips were made to transport people to various medical treatments.” (As noted, the service is provided free of charge.)

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