Happy New Year for Holocaust Survivors

Imagine the situation – The house falling apart, walls are peeling, you are alone in the world, and  you must choose between medicines and basic food. That’s why we launched the “Happy New Year for Holocaust Survivors” Campaign.

The living situation of tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors and the elderly,  who live on a minimum old-age pension and are forced to subsist on a few pennies is not simple (to say the least). Some receive less than minimum wage and are forced to spend all of their money on housing and transportation expenses and are left with a few pennies (at most) for basic food products and medicine.

In light of the upcoming holidays, Holocaust survivors and the elderly are begging for your help! Who knows how much longer they’ll be with us?

Thanks to you, this year every Holocaust survivor and elderly person in the State of Israel will celebrate the holiday with a festive meal, respectfully, knowing that they are not alone in the world!

We are the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of each and every one of these Holocaust survivors and elderly, whom have been sitting at home since the start of the Coronavirus and it is our responsibility to take care of them and surround them with warmth and love so that they can live up to 120 years of happiness, health, contentment and satiety.

Any of the needy seniors can be our parents, our grandparents, or even a great grandparent!

Would you neglect your own families during the holidays?

If you have the ability to make even one elderly person in the state of Israel happy, do it today, you surely won´t regret it!

“The holidays emphasize my loneliness and lack of basic food, everything crumbles here at home, other than the associations, I feel as if the government has abandoned us. once I was a person with respect and today I walk with shame, face looking down.”

Oleg is one of the many Holocaust survivors and the elderly in the country, who are in a difficult and lonely period. Towards the holidays, feelings of loneliness and deprivation intensify, especially this year, in the coronavirus era.

Could you exist off of a meager salary of NIS 3,000? exist, not live…. could you?

Probably with great difficulty and with a lot of help from your surroundings… Imagine a situation where you had to pay rent / taxes / electricity / water, and also buy food, and if that’s not enough there’s an addition of a quantity of medicine that won’t embarrass any pharmacy…

For a “Happy New Year for Holocaust Survivors” donate here: bit.ly/ShanaTova2020en

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