The Mayor of Tiberias and the Chairman of Chasdei Naomi in a Moving Visit

The Mayor of Tiberias, Mr. Yosef Ben David, and the chairman of Chasdei Naomi, Rabbi Yosef Cohen, made a joint visit to the Ha’or Mini-club for children at risk, which is operated by the Tiberias municipality and Chasdei Naomi.

In honor of the start of its second year of operations, the two visited the site and dedicated a new sign for the club.  Joining this special visit were the director-general of Chasdei Naomi Moshe Cohen, director of the social services department Menashe Cohen, deputy director of the department Etti Haim, and supervisor of the mini-club’s activities and its social worker Ella Mizrahi. 

During their visit to the site the caregivers working there spoke about its importance to the children, and the tremendous contribution the mini-club makes to the children’s growth.

The mayor expressed his heartfelt thanks to Chasdei Naomi for their cooperation in this venture.

Following the emotional event the attendees gather for a meeting in the Mayor’s office to discuss areas regarding which additional cooperative ventures could be initiated between the Tiberias municipality and the Chasdei Naomi charitable organization.

The Mayor indicated his desire to offer as much of his support as possible, and representatives from Chasdei Naomi expressed great pleasure at the Mayor’s willingness and his welcome activity.

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