Once Again, Thousands of Israel’s Needy to Receive Tu Bishvat Packages from Chasdei Naomi

Over the past week, many dozens of volunteers came to Chasdei Naomi’s logistics center in Tel Aviv to help prepare Tu Bishvat holiday packages.

The packages contain a selection of dried fruits and other items related to Tu Bishvat; the quantities are generous so that even the largest families among our aid recipients will be able to celebrate Tu Bishvat in their homes.

Chasdei Naomi’s Chairman, Rabbi Yosef Cohen, thanked the organization’s many volunteers for their willingness to answer every call and for coming regularly to help out.

Chasdei Naomi’s 20,000-strong volunteer crew is active throughout the year at 40 distribution points around the country. To become a volunteer, call toll-free: 9723-677-7777

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