This Passover no one will be left alone!

When was the last time you sat at the Passover table alone?  Without food and family?
Have you cooked a one-holiday dish? Just because you do not need more. You have no guests, friends, or family who will come to celebrate with you!

Holocaust survivors and the elderly say repeatedly that loneliness is the hardest thing to deal with, especially on holidays. They live the felt daily and are well acquainted with the quiet of the house.

We need your help to make them happy and hold a kosher and happy Seder night with them in a pampering hotel.  Holocaust survivors and the elderly will arrive at the hotel before the holiday and be hosted for two days in the hotel rooms. 

On the eve of the holiday, an exciting and unique Seder night will be held in their honor. Everyone knows loneliness is a nice place to visit but a terrible place to live.

A subsidiary of Chasdei Naomi, Lev Naomi, invites you to support the project and donate to a fundraising site to make the elderly and Holocaust survivors happy.


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